Often customers don't think about renters insurance, but if you don't own your own home, renters insurance is a must. For as little as $100 a year, you can protect your personal belongings and have liability insurance in case a friend is injured from your neglect.
In fact, the discount you may receive on your auto, could pay for most of your renters policy. If you own a condominium then you also need coverage like that of a renters policy along with coverage for your betterments and improvements to your condo. Your condo association may hold you responsible for everything inside your condo. Contact Russ Black Insurance today to be sure that you have the correct insurance for your renters or condo policy.
Click on the request a quote box to the right of the screen for a free no-obligation quote on your insurance coverages. If we are not able to provide you with the same or better coverage for less than what you are currently paying, you will have the peace of mind that your current insurance is in good standing. Why not get a second opinion?